Loretta Young
Loretta Young obituary in “The Guardian” in 2000 Loretta Young has had one of the longest cinema careers in the history of movies. She made her first film as a chil
Danny Dyer
Danny Dyer is a brilliant British actor who seems to have cornered the market in playing hard young urban types with a penchant for violence. It would be good to see hi
Johnny Weissmuller
Johnny Weissmuller will forever be remembered as the greatest film Tarzan of all. He was born in 1904 in Austria. He arrived with his parents in the U.S. th
Brenda de Banzie
Brenda de Banzie starred in several major films in Britain in the 1950’s and 60’s but biographical information on her seems very scarce. She was born in Man
John Alderton
John Alderton. TCM Overview John Alderton was born in 1940 in Gainsborough in England. He has had many successful British television series including “Emergency W
Rod Taylor
“Handsome and brawny, Rod Taylor has nevertheless played comedy with some finesse and drama with considerable sensitivity, but he seems less to want to act than to blaze away
Oliver MacGreevy
Oliver MacGreevy was born in Dublin 1928. Virtually all of his acting career has been in the U.K. His first film was THe Scamp” in 1057. O
May Britt
May Britt was born in 1933 in Sweden. She began her career in the 1950’s in Italian films. In 1956 she had a featured role as the friend of Audrey Hep
Alexis Smith
Alexis Smith obituary in “The Independent”. ALEXIS SMITH was an aloof, glacial beauty who was typecast as such. She was soignee, smart, sophisticated, hair swept up (it was a s