Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple is regarded as the most popular child actress ever on film. Her films during the Depression in the 1930’s provided light relief to a weary public.&
Hannah Gordon
Hannah Gordon is a wonderful Scottish actress with a warm rich distinctive voice. She was born in 1941 in Edinburgh. She began making television appearances
Yvonne de Carlo
Yvonne de Carlo was born in Vancouver in 1922. Her real name is the slightly less glamourous Peggy Middleton. She made many popular films in the 1940’s and 1950’
Wendy Craig
Wendy Craig was born in 1934 in Durham. Her feature films include “The Servant” with Dirk Bogarde and Sarah Miles and “The Nanny” with Bette Davis.
Martin Sheen
Marin Sheen was born in 1940 in Dayton, Ohio. He first came to public attention in the brilliant “Badlands”. His other major film credits include “DaR
Anne Crawford
Anne Crawford was born in Haifa, Palestine (now Israel) in 1920.She starred in some terrific British films e.g. “Millions Like Us”, “Daughter of Darkness”
Angus Lennie
Angus Lennie has one terrific performance on film to his credit. It is surprising that he did mot mantain the momentum on film. His glory moment was as Stev
Peter Brown
Peter Brown was born in 1935 in New York City. During his U.S. Army Service in Alaska be became involved in writing and acting. In the late 1950’s he
Belita. Obituary in “The Independemt” in 2005. Belita was a British Olympic figure skater who surprisingfly starred in a few film noirs in Hollywood in the late 1940’s.&n
Ardal O’Hanlon
Ardal O’Hanlon was born in 1965 in Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. He is the son of the politican Dr Rory O’Hanlon. While studying in college in Dublin, he began