Ralf Little
Ralf Little is fondly remembered as Antony the son in the classic TV series “The Royle Family”. This show is without doubt one of the very best television series ever. Antony always seemed to be fetching and carrying for his lazy family who were glued to the sofa, watching rubbish on television and making innane comments on all and sundry, yet the love they had for each other seemed to shine through. Ralf Little was born in 1980 in Oldham in Manchester. His films include “24 Hour POarty People” and “The Waiting Room”. His other television series include “Two Pints of Lage and a Packet of Crisps” and “Paradise Heights”.
Article in “The Guardian” in 2013 :
would describe my face as angular and pale, with a big, wonky nose. My eyes are brown – dull brown. I am completely scruffy. My appearance is something that I never take much pride in because, the way I see it, when you haven’t got that much raw material to work with, you just don’t bother. Neither my mum nor my dad has a particularly big nose, so I don’t know where that comes from. It also got broken when I was 17, which didn’t help.
I am 33 now. I feel just as childish as I always have, so I don’t mind getting older. I haven’t started losing my hair, but I reckon that’s on the way. Both grandads were bald and my dad started losing his hair around about 35, so I reckon I’ve got two years left before it starts to disappear. Perhaps I should dye it pink while I still have the chance?

I am 6ft and I eat whatever I want. I am lucky enough to have a high metabolism, so I never have to give it a second thought, and that makes me an enemy of many people. People keep saying to me, “I can’t wait till you turn 40-45 and start piling weight on, because then you are going to be a lot less smug.” I do run around a lot, though, and I play football, so that helps.
I was going to say that my left foot is my best feature, because of the football. My ex used to say that my big, bent nose was. She thought it made me look like a French film star, but I don’t think that’s true.
The above “Guardian” article can also be accessed online here.