Fiona Fullerton. IMDB.
Fiona Fullerton was born in 1956 in Nigeria. In 1972 she starred as Alice in the film “Alice in Wonderland”. She starred in the nursing television series “Angels”. Her other movies include “Nicholas and Alexandra”, “The Human Factor” and “A View to a Kill”. Now retired from acting, she has become a property expert and has written several books on the subject.

IMDB entry:
The only child of Bernard and Pamela Fullerton, she was born in Kaduna, Nigeria on 10th October 1956. As a child she wanted to be a ballet dancer and at the age of 11 enrolled at the Elmhurst Ballet School in Surrey where she was spotted and signed to appear in the film ‘Run Wild, Run Free’ in 1969

. This was followed by ‘Nicholas and Alexandra’ and in 1972 the title role in ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ which was her big break. In 1975 was one of the original leads in the BBC television hospital drama series ‘Angels’. The following year she married the actor Simon MacCorkindale, divorcing him in 1981. Her career seems to have gone quiet for a while until in 1985 she became a Bond Girl playing Pola Ivanova in ‘A View To A Kill’ then moved on to be one of the women involved with Nigel Havers in the mini series ‘The Charmer’.

As her career was progressing she met Neil Shakell, an old family friend again, fell in love and married in 1994 becoming step mother to Neil’s son James. A year later she gave birth to Lucy.

In 1996 answering a knock on her door she found herself facing a gunman and later discovered that the only reason he didn’t shoot her was because she had her baby in her arms. Having already become disillusioned with her career the incident made her want to escape the limelight.

She started buying, renovating and selling houses and found herself so successful at it that she now owns a company looking after property and an interior design consultancy. Having written a property advice column for two national newspapers for 10 years it encouraged her to write 3 property focused books. In addition to her film and television work she played two well known women on stage – Guinevere in Camelot opposite Richard Harris and Eliza Dolittle in Pygmalion
– IMDb Mini Biography By: tonyman5Mother of James Shackell and Lucy Shackell. Retired from acting after the birth of her children. She is now living in an old vicarage in Gloucestershire with her husband, Neil, and their two children. She now sells real estate and has published several books on the subject. [December 2006]The above IMDB entry can also be accessed online here.