Lorcan Cranitch is a versatile Irish actor of stage, screen and television. He was born in 1959 in Dublin. He trained at RADA. His film appearances include “Dancing at Lughnasa”, and “The Playboys”. In December 2012 he was starring in Dublin in the stage production of James Joyce’s “The Dead” at the Abbey Theatre as ‘Freddie Mallins’.
“Irish Times” interview:
Lorcan Cranitch is currently appearing in The Talk of the Town, at Project Arts Centre until October 20th
What is the best production you have been in? Tricky one. I’ve been fortunate to be in some great shows, so it would be either the original production of Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme or The Price by Arthur Miller at the Gate.
And the worst? Easy. A very depressing play, appropriately called Atonement at the Lyric in Hammersmith, many years ago. To this day, I still couldn’t say what it was about. I had a very embarrassing nude scene, one of the other actors – there were two of them – suffered a nervous breakdown, and on Guy Fawkes Night there were more people on stage than in the audience.
What is the best production you have been to? Another tricky one, but I was lucky enough to catch Derek Jacobi playing King Lear recently. Amazing.
Who has been your greatest influence? My parents.
What one show, other than your own, of course, were you really looking forward to in the Dublin Theatre Festival?Hamlet – the Wooster Group have great pedigree.
Opening night – terrific or torture? Slightly torturous. Obviously there’s no way round them, but even if it has been hugely well received, there’s the downer that you have to do it all again tomorrow just as competently and you may well be hungover.
And critics – terrific or torture? Neither, God love them.
Where were you when inspiration struck for your latest role? That question assumes that it has.
What is your pre-show routine? Stand on stage for a bit – reacquaint – shower. Sing. No food!
And post-show? Complain. Bitch, set the world to rights – usual stuff.
What one thing would you say to an aspiring actor at the start of their career?
Do your homework. Be on time. And remember, it’s not fair.
The lead has called in sick, the director is drunk, and the ticket sales are poor – must the show go on?No. Of course not. What good will that do?
No one should ever go to the theatre on an empty stomach: what’s the best meal/drink to have before seeing The Talk of the Town? A cocktail.
The best thing about your job is … The variety.
What are you looking forward to when your run is finished? I’ll begin rehearsing the Abbey Theatre’s production ofThe Dead.
Finally, the pitch: Why should someone come and see your show at the DTF? Maeve Brennan is relatively unknown in her home country but, as Roddy Doyle (whose mother was a cousin of Maeve) points out, when it comes to short-story writing, she is up there with the best of them, and her life story is fascinating. This production ticks all the boxes: award-winning author, Emma Donoghue; great director, Annabelle Comyn; great cast, with the terrific Catherine Walker as Maeve. But don’t take my word for it, ask the people who already have tickets – it’s nearly sold out.
The above “Irish Times” interview can also be accessed online here.