Liam Neeson
Liam Neeson has starred in a whole range of notable films – “Schindler’s List”,”Michael Collins”, “Kinsey”, “Les Miserables
John Kavanagh
John Kavanagh is an outstanding actor whose work has mostly been on the stage with occasional forays into film. His first film ws “Paddy” in 1970.&nbs
Daniel Day-Lewis
Daniel Day-Lewis Tribute by David Shipman Laurence Oliver died in 1989, just as Kenneth Branagh was launching the film of ‘Henry V’, which he wrote and directed and in
Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell. (Wikipedia) Colin Farrell was born in 1976 is an Irish actor. Farrell appeared in the BBC drama Ballykissangel In 1998, made his film debut in t
Barbara Mullen
Barbara Mullen (Wikipedia) Barbara Mullen was an Irish actress well known in the UK for playing the part of Janet McPherson, the housekeeper in Dr. Finlay’s Ca
Aaron Monaghan
Aaron is a brilliant young Irish actor best known for his stage work with Druid Theatre of Galway. He was born in Cavan in 1980. He has featured in films in
Ann Todd
Ann Todd obituary in “The Independent” in 1993. Ann Todd, actress: born Hartford, Cheshire 24 January 1909; married 1933 Victor Malcolm (one son), 1939 Nigel Tangye (one daught
Annabella. Obituary in “The Independent” in 1996. Annabella was born Suzanne Charpentier in France in 1907. She made her first film in her native country in 1927.&n
Una O’Connor
Un’s O’Connor (Wikipedia) Born to a Catholic nationalist family in Belfast, Ireland. Although her mother died when she was two, her father was a landowner farmer, insuring
Aislin McGucklin
Aislin McGucklin is from Newry, Co Down in Northern Ireland.She is best known for her role in “Heartbeat” as Dr Liz Merrick. She has featured in the films &